CANGO (Cancer NGO’s) election manifesto launch
CANGO (Cancer Non- Governmental Organisations) an alliance of prominent New Zealand cancer charities, including Lung Foundation NZ, launched it’s election manifesto last night in Wellington.
CANGO is encouraging all political parties to address inequity and improve their commitment to; cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, research and survivorship as key policy planks.
After launching CANGO’s manifesto, Graeme Woodside (CANGO Chair), presented two key questions on behalf of CANGO members for each party spokesperson to answer. This format followed with questions from the floor which together ensured robust discussion and debate.
MPs in attendance included; National’s Minister of Health, Dr Jonathan Coleman; Chair of the Health Select Committee, Simon O’Connor, MP for Tamaki; Labour Spokesperson for Health, Dr David Clark, MP for Dunedin North; Leader of the ACT Party, David Seymour MP for Epsom.
CANGO was represented by members; Graeme Woodside (Chairperson), Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ; Philip Hope, Lung Foundation New Zealand; Pru Etcheverry, Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ; Evangelia Henderson, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ; Siobhan Conroy, Unicorn Foundation NZ (Neuroendocrine Cancer); Rebekah Heal, Beat Bowel Cancer NZ.
Thanks to members of the media for their attendance.