Whether you’re an individual, a health care professional, a business, funding entity, media organisation, not-for-profit organisation, or health organisation, if you have an interest in lung health and/or lung cancer and would like to support our cause (or work with us) we’d love to hear from you.
To make a gift to our cause, please donate here.
If you would like to organise an event to raise funds to support any aspect of our work, please set up your very own fundraising page. As our champion, we will be pleased to support your activity. Please contact us today.
If you are a patient or a carer in need of support please contact us today.
Please view our Gift Acceptance Policy if you are considering gifting to us.
We are sincerely grateful to the visionary supporters who choose to make a bequest (planned gift) to assist our work to increase survival for lung cancer. These kind and generous leaders believed enough in the work of our cause to invest in the future of Lung Foundation New Zealand:
The estate of the late Irene McAllister
The estate of the late Pamela Nathan