Lung Foundation New Zealand is an independent non-government organisation and as such is reliant on donations and bequests, including sponsorship and income from fundraising events to sustain its mission.
The Lung Foundation has a sincere commitment to the ethical practice of philanthropic fundraising and as such it will:
- Guarantee donations will be used for the purpose for which they were given.
- Provide appropriate acknowledgement for all donations received.
- Ensure information about donations remains confidential (unless requested otherwise by the donor).
- Provide the identity of the officers serving on the organisation’s governing board.
- Provide access to the organisation’s most recent financial statements.
- Keep all donors informed of the organisation’s mission.
Refusing Gifts
Lung Foundation New Zealand reserves the right to refuse any gift/s that:
- Do not further the mission of Lung Foundation New Zealand.
- Break the law.
- Discriminate based upon race, ethnic or national identity, colour, sex, handicap, sexual preference, or age.
- Are made by a donor (individual or organisation), the Lung Foundation considers is inconsistent with the mission and values of Lung Foundation New Zealand.
- Involve potential liability that could represent a future liability against the organisation.
Lung Foundation New Zealand encourages all donors and potential donors to seek independent professional advice on all matters relating to charitable taxation.